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搜尋參考資料: 1.EarthMusic Network - A Database of Hindi Songs www.earthmusic.net Give us the first few words of the song - typed any way you think is reasonable - or the name of the singer, or music director or lyricist, or film, or actor, or the ... www.last.fm/music/Earth Watch videos & listen free to Earth: Torn by the Fox of the Crescent Moon, There is a Serpent Coming & more, plus 94 pictures. There are several artists named ... Videos of earth music bing.com/videos en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Music Earth Music is an album by the American folk rock band The Youngbloods, released in 1967. The album did not reach the charts. earthmusic.com Jennifer Maidman...instrumentalist,producer and writer . Annie Whitehead...trombonist extrordinaire! Rude free form funk.... Mitt Gamon uneasy listening.... https://twitter.com/EarthMusicLabel
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